Celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Arizona Railway Museum on Arizona Railway Day
1984 2014 ARM at Armstrong Park circa 1988 ARM at Tumbleweed Park 2011 This is a FREE event. Tour vintage railcars rarely open to the public. Blow the horn on a diesel locomotive. Fun for all ages. Remember the way we used to travel. Come see our special exhibitor,
Climb aboard and tour a FREE exhibit to learn about Amtrak’s history and catch a glimpse into the company’s future. Displays include vintage advertising, past menus and dinnerware, period uniforms, photographs, and other items of memorabilia from Amtrak’s creation in 1971 to a model of today’s modern-sleeping accommodations and high-speed rail service displays. Interactive displays include railroad horns, trivia questions, workable signals and an engineer’s stand.
March 1, 2014 9AM4PM