ARM Founders and Board of Directors

    In the early 1980's five local "railfans" noticed that there was no official or organized attempt to preserve and protect the artifacts relating to Arizona's railroad history.  By 1983, the five railfans founded and incorporated the Arizona Railway Museum as a non-profit (501-C-3) organization dedicated to the preservation of Arizona's railroading history.

(listed alphabetically)
Bob Alkire
R.J. "Bart" Barton
Tim Honetschlager
Ron Schofield
Mike Warden

    The Arizona Railway Museum is governed by a six* member Board of Directors (plus the five* lifetime Founders).  The term of office for each Director is two years with half of the seats being elected each year (a staggered board).  Each year, the Directors nominate and approve candidates for the positions of President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary.  Approved candidates that are not elected Directors, have no voting rights during motions presented to the board.  Other titles are assigned as necessary.

* Note: In 2004 one Founder relinquished their seat on the Board of Directors, allowing the addition of one elected Director for a total of seven elected Directors (plus four lifetime Founders).

2025 Board of Directors
Larry Benedict President
RJ "Bart" Barton Vice President of Operations (Founder)
Steve Whisel Vice President of Administration
 Andrew Bartholet** Treasurer (Incoming)
Craig Shields Treasurer (Outgoing)
Dianne Roberson* Secretary
Pete Russo* Director
Steve Ablonczy Director

*  Elected on 1/28/2024 at the Annual Membership Meeting.

**  Andrew Barholet filled the remainder of term for John Peterson.

2024 Board of Directors
Larry Benedict* President / Secretary
RJ "Bart" Barton Vice President of Operations (Founder)
Steve Whisel* Vice President of Administration
Craig Shields Treasurer
John Peterson / Andrew Bartholet** Director
Dianne Roberson Director
Pete Russo Director
Andy Szabo* Director

*  Elected on 1/28/2024 at the Annual Membership Meeting.

**  Andrew Barholet filled the remainder of term for John Peterson.


2023 Board of Directors
Larry Benedict President / Secretary
RJ "Bart" Barton Vice President of Operations (Founder)
Steve Whisel Vice President of Administration
Craig Shields* Treasurer
Pete Cook** Director / Editor "Chandler Branch"
Dianne Roberson* Director
Pete Russo* Director
Andy Szabo Director

*  Elected on 1/29/2023 at the Annual Membership Meeting.

**  Filling the remainder of term for Rob Smalley.


2022 Board of Directors
Larry Benedict* President / Secretary
RJ "Bart" Barton Vice President of Operations (Founder)
Steve Whisel* Vice President of Administration
Craig Shields Treasurer
Andy Szabo* Director / Editor "Chandler Branch"
Dianne Roberson Director
Rob Smalley* Director
Pete Russo* Director
John Meise* Director at Large**

*  Elected on 1/30/2022 at the Annual Membership Meeting.

** Participates in museum board meetings but a non-voting position.


2021 Board of Directors
Larry Benedict President
RJ "Bart" Barton Vice President of Operations (Founder)
Steve Whisel Vice President of Administration
Craig Shields* Treasurer
OPEN* Secretary
Andy Szabo Director / Editor "Chandler Branch"
Dianne Roberson* Director
Rob Smalley** Director

*  Elected on 1/31/2021 at the Annual Membership Meeting.  One position unfilled.

** Rob Smalley appointed 8/14/21 by ARM Board to fill remaining term of Al Wenger (deceased).


2020 Board of Directors
Larry Benedict* President
Tom Klobas Director
RJ "Bart" Barton Vice President of Operations (Founder)
Steve Whisel* Vice President of Administration
Craig Shields Treasurer
Andy Szabo* Secretary / Director / Editor "Chandler Branch"
Dianne Roberson Director
Al Wenger* Director

*  Elected on 1/26/2020 at the Annual Membership Meeting.


2019 Board of Directors
Larry Benedict President
Tom Klobas* Director
RJ "Bart" Barton Vice President of Operations (Founder)
Steve Whisel Vice President of Administration
Craig Shields* Treasurer
Andy Szabo Secretary / Director / Editor "Chandler Branch"
Stan Garner Director
Dianne Roberson* Director

*  Elected on 1/27/2019 at the Annual Membership Meeting.


2018 Board of Directors
Larry Benedict* President
Tom Klobas Director
RJ "Bart" Barton Vice President of Operations (Founder)
Steve Whisel* Vice President of Administration
Craig Shields Treasurer
Andy Szabo* Secretary / Director / Editor "Chandler Branch"
Stan Garner* Director
Jim Byrne Director

*  Elected on 1/28/2018 at the Annual Membership Meeting.


2017 Board of Directors
Larry Benedict President
RJ "Bart" Barton Vice President of Operations (Founder)
Steve Whisel Vice President of Administration
Craig Shields* Treasurer
Andy Szabo Director / Editor "Chandler Branch"
Stan Garner Director
Tom Klobas* Director
Jim Byrne* Director

*  Elected on 1/29/2017 at the Annual Membership Meeting.


2016 Board of Directors
Tom Klobas President (non-voting)
Larry Benedict* Director (Assistant to President)
RJ "Bart" Barton Vice President of Operations (Founder)
Steve Whisel* Vice President of Administration
Craig Shields Treasurer
Karen Chmiel Executive Secretary / Gift Shop Co-Manager
Andy Szabo* Director / Editor "Chandler Branch"
Stan Garner* Director
Fred Stout Director

*  Elected on 1/31/2016 at the Annual Membership Meeting.


2015 Board of Directors
Larry Benedict President
RJ "Bart" Barton Vice President of Operations
Steve Whisel Vice President of Administration
Craig Shields Treasurer
Karen Chmiel Executive Secretary / Gift Shop Co-Manager
Mark Redmond - Andy Szabo* Director / Editor "Chandler Branch"
Stan Garner Director
Fred Stout Director

*  Mark Redmond died unexpectedly on 10/10/15.  Andy Szabo was selected/approved by the ARM Board to fulfill the remainder of Mark's term which ends in January 2016.


2014 Board of Directors
Larry Benedict President
RJ "Bart" Barton Vice President of Operations
Steve Whisel Vice President of Administration
Craig Shields* Treasurer
Karen Chmiel Executive Secretary / Gift Shop Co-Manager
Andrew "Andy" Szabo Director / Standard Gauge Motive Power Superintendent
Mark Redmond Director / Editor "Chandler Branch"
Russ Lassuy Director
Stan Garner Director

* Appointed by Board (non-voting)


2013 Board of Directors
Larry Benedict President
RJ "Bart" Barton Vice President of Operations
Tom Klobas Vice President of Communications
Russ Lassuy Vice President of Physical Plant / Executive Secretary
Karen Chmiel Treasurer
Andrew "Andy" Szabo Director / Standard Gauge Motive Power Superintendent
Mark Redmond Director / Editor "Chandler Branch"
Steve Whisel Director / Curator


2012 Board of Directors
Larry Benedict President
RJ "Bart" Barton (Founder) Chief Operating Officer
Tom Klobas Vice President of Administration
Craig Shields Treasurer 
Andrew "Andy" Szabo Executive Secretary & Locomotive Foreman
Karen Chmiel Director / Gift Shop Manager
Mark Redmond Director / Editor "Chandler Branch"
Steve Whisel Director / Curator


2011 Board of Directors
RJ "Bart" Barton (Founder) President and Chief Operating Officer
Tom Klobas Vice President of Administration
Michael "Mike" Margrave Vice President of Legal Affairs
Craig Shields Treasurer 
Andrew "Andy" Szabo Executive Secretary & Locomotive Foreman
George Barker Director
Mark Redmond Director
Karen Chmiel Director


2010 Board of Directors
Tom Klobas President
RJ "Bart" Barton (Founder) Vice President of Operations
Michael "Mike" Margrave Vice President of Legal Affairs
Craig Shields Treasurer 
Andrew "Andy" Szabo Executive Secretary & Locomotive Foreman
George Barker Director
Ken Dickinson Director
Mark Redmond Director


2009 Board of Directors
Tom Klobas President
RJ "Bart" Barton (Founder) Vice President of Operations
Michael "Mike" Margrave Vice President of Legal Affairs
Craig Shields Treasurer 
Hal Whitehead Executive Secretary
Andrew "Andy" Szabo Locomotive Foreman
George Barker Director
Ken Dickinson Director


2008 Board of Directors
Tom Klobas President
RJ "Bart" Barton (Founder) Vice President of Operations
Michael "Mike" Margrave Vice President of Legal Affairs
Craig Shields Treasurer 
Bruce Stadwiser Executive Secretary
Andrew "Andy" Szabo Locomotive Foreman
George Barker Director
Ken Dickinson Director


2007 Board of Directors
Tom Klobas President
RJ "Bart" Barton (Founder) Vice President of Operations
Michael "Mike" Margrave Vice President of Legal Affairs
Andrew "Andy" Szabo Chief Mechanical Officer
Craig Shields Treasurer 
Bruce Stadwiser Executive Secretary
Russell "Russ" Lassuy Director
Ken Dickinson Director


2006 Board of Directors
Tom Klobas President
RJ "Bart" Barton (Founder) Vice President of Operations
Michael "Mike" Margrave Vice President of Legal Affairs
Craig Shields Treasurer 
Bruce Stadwiser Executive Secretary
Andrew "Andy" Szabo Director
Russell "Russ" Lassuy Director
Hal Whitehead Director


2005 Board of Directors
Michael "Mike" Margrave President
Tom Klobas Vice President of Administration
RJ "Bart" Barton (Founder) Vice President of Operations
Harold "Hal" Whitehead Executive Secretary
Craig Shields Treasurer 
Russell "Russ" Lassuy Director
Bruce Stadwiser Director
Andrew "Andy" Szabo Director


2004 Board of Directors
R.J. "Bart" Barton (Founder) President
Mike Margrave Vice-President - Legal
Dennis Warren Vice President - Financial
Craig Shields Treasurer
Hal Whitehead Secretary
Tom Klobas Director
Russ Lassuy Director
Bruce Stadwiser Director

Note: One Founder has relinquished their seat on the Board of Directors, allowing the addition of one Director.


2003 Board of Directors
R.J. "Bart" Barton (Founder) President
Mike Margrave Vice-President - Legal
Dennis Warren Vice President - Financial
Craig Shields Treasurer
George Holt Secretary
Hal Whitehead Facility Manager
Sydney Holt Director


2002 Board of Directors
R.J. "Bart" Barton President
Mike Margrave Vice-President - Legal
Dennis Warren Vice President - Financial
Sydney Holt Treasurer
George Holt Secretary
Hal Whitehead Facility Manager
Steve Whisel Director


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